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CNC and 3D printer designs marketplace | Instant Digital Download
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Terms of Use

Please read this document carefully, it is a binding agreement that you accept when you register for or use Makerbhawan.


Welcome to, a site owned and operated by JAK Machinery. The following terms and conditions constitute a legal agreement between you and JAK Machinery now onward referred to as “Company”, and “We”. The person who used, visited, or registered on is referred to as a “User”/”Member”. The person who offers the design to sell is specified as a “Maker”/”Designer”.

Makerbhawan Community
The Aim of the community menu is to showcase all the designers with mutual interest one in one place and encourage them to make more beautiful designs and let them inspire other designers. Members have profile pages in which he/she can show brief bios, interested categories, and profile pictures. Members can Follow other members. Member has the option to get an email if the person to whom he/she following posts any design on Makerbhawan. Members also have the option to get an email if any member with a mutually interested category post design on Makerbhawan. Makerbhawan has the facility to arrange members by the most number of followers, the most number of designs, and the interested category. does not allow Users to interact directly with each other to purchase and/or download designs.

Post Area
Members can post content about their design, tutorial, and promotional content for their design. Members can put internal links with the design, and photos. Makerbhwan has the right to approve or disapprove the post or may suggest changes to get approved.


Reward Area
Makerbhawan owns the right to reward specific members who we think give the most contribution to the community. The company may ask members if we can offer more benefits, money, gifts, consumables, and discounts.

Forum Area
Members can discuss specific topics related to CNC designs. Makerbhawan has all rights to approve, or disapprove the topics header or may suggest changes to get approved. is an online marketplace that allows Users to purchase, offer for sale, or share free designs for the purposes of 3D printing, CNC laser cutting, plasma cut, wood rotary, and personal use. provide a safe payment gateway and confirms trade success for both purchaser and buyer.

Design store
Makerbhwan provides a platform to showcase, sell, and purchase CNC designs in category wise with the name of designers and prices decided by designers. The company provides a platform to designers to sell their designs at their prices.  Makerbhawan has all rights to approve, disapprove, or may suggest changes to get approved to maintain the integrity and quality consistency.  The company takes responsibility for successful trade among designers and users. Makerbhavan is providing a platform for the profit of designers and takes 12% of the transaction for fulfilling operating costs and company other profits. The company will pay GST 18% of the transaction on behalf of the designer, the remaining 70% should be considered as the Net Earning of the designer.  Companies have the right to promote specific designs and can allocate their marketing budget from the profit generated to get more trade.

Payments and refunds
Makerbhawan accepts money via payment gateway partners in any design trade between members. Designers receive money via NEFT/Paypal monthly usually 1st week of next month. Users have the right to apply for a refund in case of nonacceptable mistakes in design or mismatch in photo, description, and design. In case of any dispute, Makerbhawan gives the designer a chance to correct the design to meet the user’s expectations depending on the photo and description. Makerbhawan has all rights to approve, disapprove, or partial refund in case of any design dispute.

Design Dispute
Members can report any design to remove from the website in case of any legal or moral policy violations. By uploading the design on Makerbhawan, the Designer gives rights to the company to open the design and investigate if the description and photo match with the design to solve the design dispute cases among the members. Makerbhawan does not take responsibility for content written by users is 100% true for all other users. Companies do not open or resell designs outside the Makerbhawan platform.


Intellectual Property Rights
Makerbhawan owns the IP for the site and the things we create. You own your IP. Other Users own their IP. Don’t mess with other people’s IPs.

You, as a designer, retain all intellectual property rights in your 2D/3D Models, including without limitation any and all derivative works, for example, 3D renderings. Except for the rights and licenses with respect to your 3D Models specified below, the Company shall not use, modify, or display your 3D Models or derivatives thereof. By uploading your 3D Models to, you represent and warrant that it is your original creation and not copied from any third party and/or entity. You further represent and warrant that you have all rights to grant the below license to us without infringement or violation of any third-party rights, including without limitation, any privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights.

By uploading your 3D Model to the Website, you grant Company a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, and sub-licensable right and license to display your 3D Model and any renderings or pictures on the Makerbhawan Website. By removing your 3D Model from the Website, you terminate all licenses granted to the Company and its users to such 3D Model.


JAK Machinery, Makerbhawan, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of the Company or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of the Company. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners.

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